Dono de uns dos melhores turndowns e whips atualmente, tem múltiplas medalhas no Best Trick dos X Games, e 3 medalhas de ouro no Best Whip, também dos X Games.
Recentemente, um dos seus patrocinadores (Rockstar Energy Drink) resolveu fazer uma espécie de reality show do piloto.
Neste primeiro episódio, ele fala de sua desmotivação e dificuldades que teve pra se adaptar na 450cc.
Também fala que vai voltar a ser como era antes, aprender de novo manobras que não fez mais, e outras novas, tudo também por um pouco de auto pressão e pressão dos patrocinadores. Eis aí o motivo do título do vídeo ser "You can teach an old dog new tricks" (Você pode ensinar "manobras" novas para um cachorro velho).
Matéria do nosso colunista Rafael Barato.
All who enjoy fmx surely have heard of Todd Potter.
Owner of one of the best whips and turndowns in the business, he has multiple medals at the XGames Best Trick, and 3 gold medals in Best Whip, also at the X Games.
Recently, one of his sponsors (Rockstar Energy Drink) decided to do a kind of reality show of him.
In this first episode, he talks about his demotivation and difficulties he had to switch from his 2 stroke to his current 450cc.
He also says that he's going to ride like he used to, learn back again the tricks he didn't do anymore, and some new, all becouse of his self pressure and pressure from his sponsors. That's why the title of the video is "You Can Teach an old dog new tricks".
All who enjoy fmx surely have heard of Todd Potter.
Owner of one of the best whips and turndowns in the business, he has multiple medals at the XGames Best Trick, and 3 gold medals in Best Whip, also at the X Games.
Recently, one of his sponsors (Rockstar Energy Drink) decided to do a kind of reality show of him.
In this first episode, he talks about his demotivation and difficulties he had to switch from his 2 stroke to his current 450cc.
He also says that he's going to ride like he used to, learn back again the tricks he didn't do anymore, and some new, all becouse of his self pressure and pressure from his sponsors. That's why the title of the video is "You Can Teach an old dog new tricks".
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