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quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

FIM Freestyle of Nations - Novo campeonato.


A FIM e a Sport Plus tem o prazer de anunciar a criação do FIM Freestyle of Nations em 2014.

Pela primeira vez na história do freestyle motocross (FMX), os pilotos top do Night of the Jumps e os  pilotos do campeonato mundial da FIM unirão rank e times com suas bandeiras para a conquista da "Coroa do reestyle".

O campeonato não estará restrito a apenas o motocross freestyle, mas também "Maxxis Highest Air", "Whips", "Best Trick", "Race and Style", etc.

O ganhador será o time que tiver a maior pontuação depois de concluidas todas as provas. A natureza do evento irá garantir altas performances dos pilotos, que estarão anciosos por defender as cores de seus países.

A primeira edição está programada para o dia 31 de maio de 2014,em Gelsenkirchen (ALE), na arena Schalke.

O presidente da FIM, Sr. Vito Ippolito comentou sobre a nova competição: " Assim como Motocross e o Trial, Freestyle Motocross terá o Natios. Por experiência, eu sei que este tipo de competição sempre trás o melhors dos pilotos. Veremos uma excelente performance no FIM Freestyle of Nations!"

O diretor da Sport Plus, Sr. Jörg Hotzel acrescentou: " Como produtor do Night of the Jumps / FIM Freestyle MX World Championship, estamos de olho em levar o FMX a um próximo nível. Com o FIM Freestyle of Nations, juntos com a FIM e suas federações, iremosinovar neste esporte maravilhoso e exigente."


The FIM and Sport Plus are delighted to announce the creation of the FIM FreeStyle of Nations as of 2014.

For the first time ever in FreeStyle Motocross history, the top riders of the “Night of the Jumps”, the official FIM FreeStyle Motocross World Championship, will join ranks and team up under their national flags to conquer the “FreeStyle Crown”.

The FIM FreeStyle of Nations will not be restricted to FreeStyle Motocross runs only, but may also include such contests as the “Maxxis Highest Air”, “Whips”, “Best Trick”, “Race and Style”, etc.

The winner of the FIM FreeStyle of Nations will be the team that has scored the most points after all runs and contests have been concluded. The nature of the event will guarantee top sports performances from riders who will be eager to defend their countries’ colours.

The first ever edition of the FIM FreeStyle of Nations is scheduled to take place in the Schalke Arena in Gelsenkirchen (Germany) on 31 May 2014.

FIM President Mr Vito Ippolito said of the new contest: “Just like Motocross and Trials, FreeStyle Motocross will now have its “Nations” event. From experience, I know that this type of competition always brings out the best in the riders. We will be seeing top class sport at the FIM FreeStyle of Nations!”

SportPlus Director Mr Joerg Hotzel added: As long term producers of the Nights of the Jumps / FIM Freestyle MX World Championship”, we are looking forward to taking Freestyle Motocross to the next level. With the FIM FreeStyle of Nations, together with the FIM and its Federations, we are breaking ground in this demanding and spectacular sport!
NIGHT of the JUMPs
31st Mai 2014
Vetlins Arena
Gelsenkirchen / Germany

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