Em maio deste ano (2011) a Hot Whells, preparou uma tremenda ação na corrida de Indiannapolis 500.
Com um piloto "mascarado", porém muito conhecido no mundo das 4 rodas, se prepararam para quebrar o recorde do salto em distância (92m) em um veículo de 4 rodas! O show foi marcado para o dia 29/05/11 para depois da corrida...
Ao termino da corrida começou mais uma adrenalina e muita gente correndo, para preparar os últimos detalhes, onde erro algum poderia acontecer, aliás este show era um feito muito arriscado e que poderia se tornar épico, ou mortal!
Contudo o grande piloto Tanner Foust, era o piloto amarelo "mascarado", e levou toda sua experiência das corridas de rally, para o alto de uma pista laranja (modelo das pistas da Hot Whells) de aproximadamente 30m de altura. T. Foust então se prepara para mais um grande feito.
E toda esta adrenalina poderá ser vista no video abaixo! Confiram como foi toda esta agitação...
Ao final foi constatado um novo recorde mundial, Tanner Foust havia saltado 101m de distância e sendo assim deixando seu nome cravado na história, juntamente com a Hot Wheels.
Confiram a entrevista final do evento (em inglês) e vamos aguardar por mais novidades!
In May this year (2011) Hot Whells, has prepared a tremendous racing action in Indiannapolis 500.
With a pilot "masked", but well known in the world of four wheels, prepared to break the record in the long jump (92m) in a 4-wheel vehicle! The show was scheduled for 05/29/11 for after the race ...
At the end of the race got more adrenaline and a lot of people rushing to prepare the final details, where any error could happen, this show was in fact made a very risky and could they have become epic, or deadly!
However, the great driver Tanner Foust, who was the pilot yellow "masked", took all his experience of rally racing to the top of an orange track (track model of the Hot Whells) of approximately 30m in height. T. Foust then prepare for another great achievement.
And all this adrenaline can be seen in the video below! Check out how it was all the fuss ...
At the end it was found a new world record, Tanner Foust had jumped 101m away and leaving his name so embedded in history, along with Hot Wheels.
Check out the final interview of the event (in English) and we will wait for more news!
With a pilot "masked", but well known in the world of four wheels, prepared to break the record in the long jump (92m) in a 4-wheel vehicle! The show was scheduled for 05/29/11 for after the race ...
At the end of the race got more adrenaline and a lot of people rushing to prepare the final details, where any error could happen, this show was in fact made a very risky and could they have become epic, or deadly!
However, the great driver Tanner Foust, who was the pilot yellow "masked", took all his experience of rally racing to the top of an orange track (track model of the Hot Whells) of approximately 30m in height. T. Foust then prepare for another great achievement.
And all this adrenaline can be seen in the video below! Check out how it was all the fuss ...
At the end it was found a new world record, Tanner Foust had jumped 101m away and leaving his name so embedded in history, along with Hot Wheels.
Check out the final interview of the event (in English) and we will wait for more news!
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